100 Mac Applications I Use Daily
I have seen way too many of these 100 applications to use lists. I figured i make my own, something that is less commercial and more from experience of breaking my computer a dozen times. Some of these might be different compared to public opinion but give them a shot and you might just see yourself starting to like them. A lot of these are biased from the perspective of web development because thats what I do. Anyway,here goes:
Firefox 3.5 with the following plugins:
- Adblock Plus
- ColorZilla to find colors values within Firefox
- Delicious to for social bookmarking
- DownThemAll is my download manager
- Screengrab to grab screenshots of entire webpages
- Stylish to override default css files for webpages
- Firefox PDF plugin for mac to avoid using Adobe
- Firebug is essential if you develop sites or you are not a web designer. I also have plugins for Firebug like FirePHP, YSlow and CodeBurner Safari 4 Internet Explorer 6 via Darwine
iTunes is hands down the best music client for MacOS or Windows Gimme Some Tune keeps my songs updated with album art and lyrics and also features a last.fm plugin Garageband for music editing occasionally Audacity would rank pretty high on this list to edit music. It is really versatile and its open source!
VLC is something i rely on this for all my video needs. It's really close to version 1 after close to 5 yrs of development! DivX Player for those random sites that complain about DivX Flip4Mac is one of those things that every mac user has. Enables browsers to support wmv format and plays wmv within Quicktime Quicktime comes with MacOS. A plugin called Perian enables all sorts of video support and makes is a lot like VLC iMovie for small video edits iDVD to make those fancy DVD's that i need for random occasions.( I rely on the iLife Suite a lot just because it is really well integrated with everything on the system)
Adobe Photoshop CS4 is the king of editing any photo. I can't remember a day when its not open Preview for quick editing and color adjustments for which I dont want to fire up Photoshop iPhoto to keep my photo library organized Picasa is not really on my computer anymore. It got replaced by iPhoto 09 Automator and Applescript for repetitive image tasks.
Web Development:
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 for managing projects and intial design work Textmate is one of the most wonderful pieces of software ever created Espresso has been a recent program for me. I really like the interface for managing projects Rapidweaver and iWeb for really fast work :D Adobe Flex for Flex App Development Adobe Air because i use a lot of little tools for development Font Picker to view samples of fonts before using them Boks is a visual grid editor which gives me css prototyping using grids. Eclipse for C++ and JAVA development xampp to operate a local server for testing before deployment CocoaMySQL Sequel Pro to manage MySQL databases Merlin as a project managment tool Transmit to sftp for projects
System Utilites:
Cocktail to keep my computer clean Shovebox to manage my clipboard notes MacSpeech Dictate to use voice commands to manage tasks AppZapper to uninstall apps Toast Titanium to burn CD's and DVD's 1Password to manage Password and serial numbers Little Snitch as a network filter SuperDocker to modify my dock :) Unarchiver to manage all packages since the built in one doesn't support a lot of extensions Geektool to embed script results into my Desktop. Scripts available in the code section of this site Parallels to run virtual machines. I have a lot of these mostly to test browsers Google Search Box to extend spotlight a little bit
IM and Social Media:
Adium for mostly everything IM iChat for audio video chat on AIM Skype is my preferred VoIP application Meebo is more of webapp but it works on the go TweetDeck for Twitter and Facebook stuff
Random Stuff:
Tofu to read ebooks. It formats them in a more readable format Chmox to read those old chm ebooks iCal for my calendar needs as it is integrated with Mail.app and Address Book Anxiety is my preferred to-do app. It is really lightweight and integrates with iCal Mozy and Time Machine are for my online and physical backups NetNewsWire Gruml is the best news reader out there. Also syncs with my iPodTouch Google Reader Account which syncs with my android phone and iPod MSOffice for all my .doc,.xls and .ppt needs AppFresh keeps all my apps updated PSPWare manages my PSP and syncs stuff between my mac and PSP Awaken is something that I rarely use since I have an alarm for my phone
So i lied about the 100 apps but I'm pretty darn close. I'll update these as my preference changes. Leave suggestions for more apps or replacement in the comments below.